about this journal
Current Trends In Information Communication Technology Research (CTICTR) journal is an Edited Volume of the College of Postgraduate Studies, Babcock University publication primarily intended to publish aspects of the ongoing researches/theses by Doctoral Students and their Supervisors. Extract of outstanding and ongoing Master degree researches as well as outcome of research work by scholars across the globe who are in partnership or collaborative research with Babcock University staff and, or students will also find this outlet useful. This Open Access (OA) journal series are a collection of peer-reviewed papers which welcomes submissions of theoretical and empirical papers from fields of Information Technology, Information Sciences, Computer Science, Software & System Engineering, Computer Networks, and Communication Technology.

CTICTR is out to open researchers to the most recent trends/inventions in the information society. It is also an atmosphere for writers/researchers in the globe to interact and also learn from other professionals.

Welcome aboard!
vision statement
The vision of the College of Postgraduate Studies, Babcock University CURRENT TRENDS IN INFORMATION COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH (CTICTR) edited volume is to disseminate current research outputs and possible advances in Computer Sciences and Information Sciences in the industry and academia so as to contribute effectively to global knowledge sharing.
mission statement
CTICTR is commissioned to:
  • creating a contact point for high-quality publications addressing Computer Sciences and Information Sciences,
  • Subjecting all articles to standard peer-review procedures,
  • Sharing up-to-date ideas and innovations in the quickest and most effective way possible,
  • Rewarding novel ideas and concepts that can positively influence the information world
journal scope
CTICTR publishes original research papers in two major fields:

  • computer sciences: (Computing Systems, Software Engineering, Information Technology, Algorithm Complexity, Computer Networks and Telecommunications, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Microprocessor Applications, Theory and Formal Models of Computation, Human Computer Interaction, Computer Security, Parallel and Distributed computing).
  • information sciences: (high-quality research papers, survey reports, reviews, etc. pertaining to Library Science, Knowledge Management, Record Management, Health Information Management, Archives Management, information science and computer applications).
Call For Papers
The College of Postgraduate Studies, Babcock University is pleased to announce as part of its multi-disciplinary research endeavour the Call for Papers (CFP) for publication in the first issue of its edited volume:


click here for details

Understanding open access
Open access is a set of principles and a range of practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of access charges or other barriers.